Towards 100 Chin Ups – 50 Chin Ups Done

50 Chin Ups Jutting Calluses

Towards 100 Chin Ups – 50 Chin Ups Done – Calluses at the end of 50

In a last ditch effort to make weight training interesting I turn towards seeking solace in familiarity. Fishing out old notes leads me to Max OT, the protocol that had introduced me to the world of lifting heavy.

Even though I do not have access to the big pounds, a sine quo non for MaxOT I decide to give it a try just for the sake of variety. But as was expected the limited poundage at gym takes its toll and boredom seeps in early. As a result the schedule of the first 4 weeks takes me 8 to complete. It was time, as recommended by Max OT, to change the schedule for Weeks 5-9.

50 Pull Ups. That’s first exercise of the first day. A daunting proposition. In as many sets as possible to reach the required reps (repetitions).

Since I have 3 metal plates screwed in both the forearms, two in the left and one fixed to the right radius—result of two fractures nine years apart—the Pulls Ups cause unbearable strain. Fortunately Chin Ups are not that difficult.

50 Chin Ups – The Challenge Begins

Hanging from the Chinning Bar affixed to the doorjambs I am not sure whether I would be able to pull up the numbers. Even during my earlier attempts while following Max OT the max I have been able to reach has been 20-25. And that’s the state of mind with which I had started.

Chinning Bar

Towards 100 Chin Ups – 50 Chin Ups Done – Chinning Bar has the rated capacity of 110 kgs

First 5 done. It feels easy. Another 5. Still easy. That’s how I progress. In sets of 5. Taking break after every 5 reps. Some time after 25 reps I stop at 3. Add an extremely short pause and follow it up immediately with 2 to complete the quota of 5.

After 40 reps I am down to 3s and 2s. The gaps get prolonged and gasps become heavy. Calluses jut out. They are painful. Arms can no longer hold my weight. Shoulder joints, it felt, would shred apart.

But I am very close to my target and that keeps me going. By the time I pull the last one, the 50th, it is more than 20 minutes.

First thing I do after sharing my achievement with my wife is to take the photo of the calluses. It was a personal milestone. Naturally, I was excited. But I had no idea that it would exhort me to go for 100.

After 40 reps I am down to 3s and 2s. The gaps get prolonged and gasps become heavy. Calluses jut out. Arms can no longer hold my weight. Shoulder joints, it felt, would shred apart. Click To Tweet